About Us
Our Roots
Brew Muse started out as an idea for an informational website. There was a ton of useful and interesting info about beer, coffee, and wine on the web. The problem was it was scattered all over the place, conflicting, full of lofty opinions, and sometimes lacked design. My vision was to organize it all in one place, filtering out opinions, and adding beautiful art and design. See the Informational Site.
After a couple years of organizing and writing content, I had a brainwave that led to the next pursuit: a new product design for beer.
Our Expansion
The concept for Beer Stones came to me as I was thinking about beer glassware. I liked glasses with nucleation sites (the ones that release a stream of CO2 bubbles from the bottom), but I already had dozens of glasses. How could I get that effect without replacing my whole collection?
So being an engineer, I thought of a better way. I created a portable soapstone barware product, used just like whiskey stones, and I hand-engraved the nucleation sites on the outside so it, too could release that stream of CO2 bubbles. This one product allowed my whole glassware collection to keep a foamy head on beer, enhancing the smell of hops and malt, softening the prickly acidity, and reducing the uncomfortable stomach gas.
Kickstarter helped me raise funds, so a shop could machine and polish a bunch of blank Beer Stones for me. Now I'm selling a variety of Beer Stones with different engraved designs. People like to give them as unique gifts to beer lovers and fun favors for wedding parties.
See the Beer Stones Collection.